const height = wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowHeight var util = require('../../utils/util.js'); var status = require('../../utils/index.js'); var countDownInit = require("../../utils/countDown"); var a = require("../../utils/public"); var app = getApp(); let globalData = getApp().globalData const key = globalData.key let SYSTEMINFO = globalData.systeminfo Page({ mixins: [countDownInit.default, require('../../mixin/globalMixin.js')], data: { classification: { tabs: [], activeIndex: -1 }, rushList: [], statusBarHeight: app.globalData.statusBarHeight + 44 + 'px', searchBarHeight: app.globalData.statusBarHeight + 'px', rushboxHeight: app.globalData.statusBarHeight + 200 + 'px', pageNum: 1 }, $data: { statusBarHeight: app.globalData.statusBarHeight + 44, top: 0, stickyFlag: false, scrollTop: 0, overPageNum: 1, loadOver: false, hasOverGoods: false, countDownMap: {}, actEndMap: {}, timer: {}, scrollHeight: 1300, stickyTop: 0, }, /** * is_only_express */ onLoad: function (options) { app.setShareConfig(); let that = this; status.setNavBgColor(); status.setGroupInfo().then((groupInfo) => { that.setData({ groupInfo }) }); }, loadPage: function () { wx.showLoading(); this.hasRefeshin = false; this.$data = { ...this.$data, ...{ overPageNum: 1, loadOver: false, hasOverGoods: false, countDownMap: {}, actEndMap: {}, timer: {}, hasCommingGoods: true } } this.setData({ rushList: [], pageNum: 1 }, ()=>{ this.getIndexInfo(); this.load_goods_data(); }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function () { let that = this; util.check_login_new().then((res) => { if (!res) { that.setData({ needAuth: true }) } else { (0, status.cartNum)('', true).then((res) => { that.setData({ cartNum: }) }); } }) this.loadPage(); }, /** * 监控滚动事件 */ onPageScroll: function (t) { if (!this.$data.isLoadData) { if (t.scrollTop < this.$data.scrollHeight) { if (t.scrollTop > this.$data.scrollTop) { "down" !== && this.setData({ scrollDirect: "down" }) } else { "up" != && this.setData({ scrollDirect: "up" }) } } else { "down" !== && this.setData({ scrollDirect: "down" }) } if (t.scrollTop > this.$data.stickyTop) { || (this.setData({ isSticky: true }), this.$data.stickyFlag = true) } else { t.scrollTop < this.$data.stickyBackTop && && (this.setData({ isSticky: false }), this.$data.stickyFlag = false) } this.$data.scrollTop = t.scrollTop } }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh: function () { this.loadPage(); wx.stopPullDownRefresh(); }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function () { this.load_goods_data(); }, authModal: function (e = {}) { let needAuth = (e && e.detail) ||; if ( || e.detail) { this.setData({ showAuthModal: !, needAuth }); return false; } return true; }, /** * 授权成功回调 */ authSuccess: function () { this.setData({ needAuth: false }) this.loadPage(); }, /** * 导航小图标 */ getIndexInfo: function () { let that = this; app.util.request({ url: 'entry/wxapp/index', data: { controller: 'generalmall.get_index_info' }, dataType: 'json', success: function (res) { if ( == 0) { let { navigat_list, slider_list, category_list, shoname, index_type_first_name, theme, index_list_top_image, showTabbar, is_show_list_timer, is_show_list_count } =; wx.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: shoname }); let navigatEmpty = []; if (navigat_list.length > 0) { let len = (5 - navigat_list.length % 5) || 0; if (len < 5 && len > 0) navigatEmpty = new Array(len); } let h = { classification: { tabs: '' } }; h.index_type_first_name = index_type_first_name || '全部'; if (category_list.length > 0) { category_list.unshift({ name: index_type_first_name || '全部', id: 0 }) h.isShowClassification = true; h.classification.tabs = category_list; } else { h.isShowClassification = false; } that.setData({ navigat: navigat_list, navigatEmpty, slider_list, theme, index_list_top_image, showTabbar, isShowListTimer: is_show_list_timer, isShowListCount: is_show_list_count, ...h }) } } }) }, /** * 幻灯片跳转 */ goBannerUrl: function (t) { let idx = t.currentTarget.dataset.idx; let { slider_list, needAuth } =; if (slider_list.length > 0) { let url = slider_list[idx].link; let type = slider_list[idx].linktype; if (util.checkRedirectTo(url, needAuth)) { this.authModal(); return; } if (type == 0) { // 跳转webview url && wx.navigateTo({ url: '/eaterplanet_ecommerce/pages/web-view?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url) }) } else if (type == 1) { if (url.indexOf('eaterplanet_ecommerce/pages/index/index') != -1 || url.indexOf('eaterplanet_ecommerce/pages/order/shopCart') != -1 || url.indexOf('eaterplanet_ecommerce/pages/user/me') != -1 || url.indexOf('eaterplanet_ecommerce/pages/type/index') != -1) { url && wx.switchTab({ url: url }) } else { url && wx.navigateTo({ url: url }) } } else if (type == 2) { // 跳转小程序 let appid = slider_list[idx].appid; appid && wx.navigateToMiniProgram({ appId: slider_list[idx].appid, path: url, extraData: {}, envVersion: 'release', success(res) { // 打开成功 }, fail(error) { console.log(error) } }) } } }, /** * 导航图标跳转 */ goNavUrl: function (t) { let idx = t.currentTarget.dataset.idx; let { navigat, needAuth } =; if (navigat.length > 0) { let url = navigat[idx].link; let type = navigat[idx].type; if (util.checkRedirectTo(url, needAuth)) { this.authModal(); return; } if (type == 0) { // 跳转webview wx.navigateTo({ url: '/eaterplanet_ecommerce/pages/web-view?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url), }) } else if (type == 1) { if (url.indexOf('eaterplanet_ecommerce/pages/index/index') != -1 || url.indexOf('eaterplanet_ecommerce/pages/order/shopCart') != -1 || url.indexOf('eaterplanet_ecommerce/pages/user/me') != -1 || url.indexOf('eaterplanet_ecommerce/pages/type/index') != -1) { wx.switchTab({ url: url }) } else { wx.navigateTo({ url: url }) } } else if (type == 2) { // 跳转小程序 let appid = navigat[idx].appid; appid && wx.navigateToMiniProgram({ appId: navigat[idx].appid, path: url, extraData: {}, envVersion: 'release', success(res) { // 打开成功 }, fail(error) { console.log(error) } }) } else if (type == 3) { //首页分类 let classification =; let tabs = classification && classification.tabs; let cid = url; let activeIdx = tabs.findIndex((p) => { return == cid }); if (activeIdx != -1) { let cateInfo = { detail: { e: activeIdx, a: cid } }; this.classificationChange(cateInfo); } } else if (type == 4) { //独立分类 app.globalData.typeCateId = url; wx.switchTab({ url: '/eaterplanet_ecommerce/pages/type/index' }) } } }, /** * 监控分类导航 */ classificationChange: function (t) { wx.showLoading(); var that = this; this.$data = { ...this.$data, ...{ overPageNum: 1, loadOver: false, hasOverGoods: false, countDownMap: {}, actEndMap: {}, timer: {} } }, this.hasRefeshin = false, this.setData({ rushList: [], showEmpty: false, pageNum: 1, "classification.activeIndex": t.detail.e, classificationId: t.detail.a }, function () { if (!this.$data.stickyFlag && (that.$data.scrollTop != that.$data.stickyTop + 5)) { wx.pageScrollTo({ scrollTop: that.$data.stickyTop - 30, duration: 0 }) } that.load_goods_data(); }); }, /** * 获取商品列表 */ load_goods_data: function () { var token = wx.getStorageSync('token'); var that = this; // var cur_community = wx.getStorageSync('community'); var gid =; this.$data.isLoadData = true; console.log('load_goods_begin '); if (!that.hasRefeshin && !that.$data.loadOver) { console.log('load_goods_in '); this.hasRefeshin = true; that.setData({ loadMore: true }); app.util.request({ 'url': 'entry/wxapp/index', 'data': { controller: 'index.load_gps_goodslist', token: token, pageNum:, head_id: '', gid, per_page: 12, is_only_express: 1 }, dataType: 'json', success: function (res) { if ( == 1) { that.setData({ cate_info: || {} }) } if ( == 0) { let rushList = ''; if ( == 1) { rushList = that.transTime(; for (let s in that.$data.countDownMap) that.initCountDown(that.$data.countDownMap[s]); } else { let oldRushList =; rushList = oldRushList.concat(; } let rdata =; let { full_money, full_reducemoney, is_open_fullreduction, is_open_vipcard_buy, is_vip_card_member, is_member_level_buy } = rdata; let reduction = { full_money, full_reducemoney, is_open_fullreduction } // 是否可以会员折扣购买 let canLevelBuy = false; if (is_open_vipcard_buy == 1) { if (is_vip_card_member != 1 && is_member_level_buy == 1) canLevelBuy = true; } else { (is_member_level_buy == 1) && (canLevelBuy = true); } if ( == 1) that.setData({ copy_text_arr: rdata.copy_text_arr || [] }) that.hasRefeshin = false; that.setData({ rushList: rushList, pageNum: + 1, loadMore: false, reduction, tip: '', is_open_vipcard_buy: is_open_vipcard_buy || 0, is_vip_card_member, is_member_level_buy, canLevelBuy }, () => { if (that.isFirst == 1) { that.isFirst++; if (rushList.length && !that.$data.stickyTop) { wx.createSelectorQuery().select(".tab-nav-query").boundingClientRect(function (t) { if (t && { wcache.put('tabPos', t); that.$data.stickyTop = + t.height, that.$data.stickyBackTop =; } else { let tabpos = wcache.get('tabPos', false); if (tabpos) that.$data.stickyTop = + tabpos.height, that.$data.stickyBackTop =; } }).exec(); that.$data.scrollTop > that.$data.stickyTop && wx.pageScrollTo({ duration: 0, scrollTop: that.$data.stickyTop + 4 }); } } that.getScrollHeight(); if ( == 2 && < 10) { console.log('load_over_goods_list_begin') that.$data.loadOver = true; that.hasRefeshin = true; that.setData({ loadMore: true }, () => { that.load_over_gps_goodslist(); }); } }); } else if ( == 1) { that.$data.loadOver = true; that.load_over_gps_goodslist(); } else if ( == 2) { //no login that.setData({ needAuth: true, couponRefresh: false }) } }, complete: function () { that.$data.isLoadData = false; // wx.hideLoading(); setTimeout(function () { wx.hideLoading(); }, 1000); } }) } else { that.load_over_gps_goodslist(); } }, /** * 组合倒计时时间 */ transTime: function (list) { let that = this; let e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0; e === 0 && (t) { t.end_time *= 1000; that.$data.countDownMap[t.end_time] = t.end_time, that.$data.actEndMap[t.end_time] = t.end_time <= new Date().getTime() || t.spuCanBuyNum == 0; }) return; }, /** * 获取售罄商品 */ load_over_gps_goodslist: function () { var token = wx.getStorageSync('token'); var that = this; // var cur_community = wx.getStorageSync('community'); var gid =; if (!that.$data.hasOverGoods && that.$data.loadOver) { that.$data.hasOverGoods = true; that.setData({ loadMore: true }); app.util.request({ url: 'entry/wxapp/index', data: { controller: 'index.load_over_gps_goodslist', token: token, pageNum: that.$data.overPageNum, head_id: '', gid, is_index_show: 1, is_only_express: 1 }, dataType: 'json', success: function (res) { if ( == 0) { let rushList = that.transTime(; for (let s in that.$data.countDownMap) that.initCountDown(that.$data.countDownMap[s]); that.$data.hasOverGoods = false; that.$data.overPageNum += 1; that.setData({ rushList: rushList, loadMore: false, tip: '' }, () => { if (that.isFirst == 1) { that.isFirst++; if (rushList.length && !that.$data.stickyTop) { wx.createSelectorQuery().select(".tab-nav-query").boundingClientRect(function (t) { if (t && { wcache.put('tabPos', t); that.$data.stickyTop = + t.height, that.$data.stickyBackTop =; } else { let tabpos = wcache.get('tabPos', false); if (tabpos) that.$data.stickyTop = + tabpos.height, that.$data.stickyBackTop =; } }).exec(); that.$data.scrollTop > that.$data.stickyTop && wx.pageScrollTo({ duration: 0, scrollTop: that.$data.stickyTop + 4 }); } } that.getScrollHeight(); }); } else if ( == 1) { if (that.$data.overPageNum == 1 && == 0) that.setData({ showEmpty: true }) that.setData({ loadMore: false, tip: '^_^已经到底了' }) } else if ( == 2) { that.setData({ needAuth: true, couponRefresh: false }) } that.$data.isLoadData = false; } }) } else { that.$data.isLoadData = false; } }, getScrollHeight: function () { wx.createSelectorQuery().select('.rush-list-box').boundingClientRect((rect) => { rect && rect.height && (this.$data.scrollHeight = rect.height || 1300); console.log(this.$data.scrollHeight) }).exec() }, openSku: function (t) { if (!this.authModal()) return; var that = this, e = t.detail; var goods_id = e.actId; var options = e.skuList; that.setData({ addCar_goodsid: goods_id }) let list = options.list || []; let arr = []; if (list && list.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { let sku = list[i]['option_value'][0]; console.log(sku) let temp = { name: sku['name'], id: sku['option_value_id'], index: i, idx: 0 }; arr.push(temp); } var id = ''; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (i == arr.length - 1) { id = id + arr[i]['id']; } else { id = id + arr[i]['id'] + "_"; } } var cur_sku_arr = options.sku_mu_list[id] || {}; that.setData({ sku: arr, sku_val: 1, cur_sku_arr: cur_sku_arr, skuList: e.skuList, visible: true, showSku: true, is_take_vipcard: e.is_take_vipcard || '', is_mb_level_buy: e.is_mb_level_buy || '' }); } else { let goodsInfo = e.allData; that.setData({ sku: [], sku_val: 1, skuList: [], cur_sku_arr: goodsInfo }) let formIds = { detail: { formId: "" } }; formIds.detail.formId = "the formId is a mock one"; that.gocarfrom(formIds); } }, /** * 确认加入购物车 */ gocarfrom: function (e) { var that = this; wx.showLoading(); this.setData({ is_take_vipcard: '', is_mb_level_buy: '' }) a.collectFormIds(e.detail.formId); that.goOrder(); }, /** * 关闭购物车选项卡 */ closeSku: function () { this.setData({ visible: 0, stopClick: false, }); }, selectSku: function (event) { var that = this; let str = event.currentTarget.dataset.type; let obj = str.split("_"); let { sku, skuList, sku_val } =; let temp = { name: obj[3], id: obj[2], index: obj[0], idx: obj[1] }; sku.splice(obj[0], 1, temp); var id = ''; for (let i = 0; i < sku.length; i++) { if (i == sku.length - 1) { id = id + sku[i]['id']; } else { id = id + sku[i]['id'] + "_"; } } var cur_sku_arr = skuList.sku_mu_list[id]; let h = {}; sku_val = sku_val || 1; if (sku_val > cur_sku_arr.canBuyNum) { h.sku_val = cur_sku_arr.canBuyNum; wx.showToast({ title: `最多只能购买${cur_sku_arr.canBuyNum}件`, icon: 'none' }) } that.setData({ cur_sku_arr, sku, ...h }); }, /** * 数量加减 */ setNum: function (event) { let types = event.currentTarget.dataset.type; var that = this; var num = 1; let sku_val = * 1; if (types == 'add') { num = sku_val + 1; } else if (types == 'decrease') { if (sku_val > 1) { num = sku_val - 1; } } let arr =; var options =; if (arr.length > 0) { var id = ''; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (i == arr.length - 1) { id = id + arr[i]['id']; } else { id = id + arr[i]['id'] + "_"; } } } if (options.length > 0) { let cur_sku_arr = options.sku_mu_list[id]; if (num > cur_sku_arr['canBuyNum']) { num = num - 1; } } else { let cur_sku_arr =; if (num > cur_sku_arr['canBuyNum']) { num = num - 1; } } this.setData({ sku_val: num }) }, skuConfirm: function () { this.closeSku(), (0, status.cartNum)().then((res) => { res.code == 0 && that.setData({ cartNum: }) }); }, goOrder: function() { var that = this; if ( { = false; } var token = wx.getStorageSync('token'); var community = wx.getStorageSync('community'); var goods_id =; var community_id = community.communityId; var quantity =; var cur_sku_arr =; var sku_str = ''; var is_just_addcar = 1; if (cur_sku_arr && cur_sku_arr.option_item_ids) { sku_str = cur_sku_arr.option_item_ids; } let data = { goods_id, community_id, quantity, sku_str, buy_type: 'dan', pin_id: 0, is_just_addcar } util.addCart(data).then(res=>{ if(res.showVipModal==1) { let { pop_vipmember_buyimage } =; wx.hideLoading(); that.setData({ pop_vipmember_buyimage, showVipModal: true, visible: false }) } else { if ( == 3 || == 7) { wx.showToast({ title:, icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }) } else if ( == 4) { wx.hideLoading(); that.setData({ needAuth: true, showAuthModal: true, visible: false }) } else if ( == 6) { let max_quantity = || ''; (max_quantity > 0) && that.setData({ sku_val: max_quantity }) var msg =; wx.showToast({ title: msg, icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }) } else { if (is_just_addcar == 1) { that.closeSku(); (0, status.cartNum)(; that.setData({ cartNum: }) wx.showToast({ title: "已加入购物车", image: "../../images/addShopCart.png" }) } else { var pages_all = getCurrentPages(); if (pages_all.length > 3) { wx.redirectTo({ url: '/eaterplanet_ecommerce/pages/buy/index?type=' + }) } else { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/eaterplanet_ecommerce/pages/buy/index?type=' + }) } } } } }).catch(res=>{ app.util.message(res||'请求失败', '', 'error'); }) }, vipModal: function (t) { this.setData(t.detail) }, // 输入框获得焦点 handleFocus: function () { this.focusFlag = true; }, handleBlur: function (t) { let a = t.detail; let val = parseInt(a.value); if (val == '' || isNaN(val)) { this.setData({ sku_val: 1 }) } }, // 监控输入框变化 changeNumber: function (t) { let { cur_sku_arr, sku_val } =; let max = cur_sku_arr.stock * 1; let a = t.detail; this.focusFlag = false; if (a) { let val = parseInt(a.value); val = val < 1 ? 1 : val; if (val > max) { wx.showToast({ title: `最多只能购买${max}件`, icon: 'none' }) sku_val = max; } else { sku_val = val; } } this.setData({ sku_val }) }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function () { }, onShareTimeline: function(res) { } })