var app = getApp(); var util = require('../../utils/util.js'); var memberId = ""; Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { checkedAll: true, checkedCount: 0, is_check_all: false, needAuth: false, memberId: 0, order: [], param: [], isIpx: false }, handlerGobackClick(delta) { const pages = getCurrentPages(); if (pages.length >= 2) { wx.navigateBack({ delta: delta }); } else { wx.switchTab({ url: '/eaterplanet_ecommerce/pages/index/index' }); } }, handlerGohomeClick(url) { wx.switchTab({ url: '/eaterplanet_ecommerce/pages/index/index' }); }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function(options) { app.globalData.isIpx && this.setData({ isIpx: true }); if (options.scene != undefined) { var scene = decodeURIComponent(options.scene); if (scene != 'undefined') { options.memberId = scene; } } memberId = options.memberId; this.setData({ memberId: memberId }) if (!util.check_login()) { this.setData({ needAuth: true }) } else { console.log('peding login in '); this.getData(); } }, /** * 授权成功回调 */ authSuccess: function() { this.setData({ needAuth: false }) this.getData(); }, /** * 获取数据 */ getData: function() { wx.showLoading({ title: "加载中...", mask: true }); var that = this; var token = wx.getStorageSync('token'); //currentTab app.util.request({ 'url': 'entry/wxapp/index', 'data': { controller: 'community.get_member_ziti_order', memberId:, token: token }, dataType: 'json', success: function(res) { if ( == 0) { let rushList =; var order = rushList.filter(function (item) { return != 'express'; }); if (order.length>0){ that.setData({ order: order, checkedCount: order.length, checkedAll: true, is_check_all: true }); } } else if ( == 1) { that.setData({ order: [] }); } else if ( == 2) { // no login } wx.hideLoading(); } }) // 成功 }, /** * 状态改变 */ transformOrderStatus: function(e) { switch (Number(e)) { case 1: return "待提货"; case 4: return "待配送"; default: return ""; } }, /** * 勾选 */ checkboxChange: function(e) { var t = e.currentTarget.dataset.type, o = e.currentTarget.dataset.index, n =, a = [], i = e.detail.value, r =, s = false, c = 0; var is_check_all =; if ("all" === t) { if (is_check_all) { n.forEach(function(e) { e.checked = 0; }) } else { n.forEach(function(e) { e.checked = 1; }) } this.setData({ checkedCount: n.length, order: n, is_check_all: !is_check_all, checkedAll: !is_check_all }) } else if ("order" === t) { n.forEach(function(e, t) { // e.checked = 0; if (o == t) { if (e.checked) { e.checked = 0 } else { e.checked = 1 } } }) var ck = 0; n.forEach(function(e) { if (e.checked) { ck++; } }) this.setData({ checkedCount: ck, order: n, is_check_all: ck == n.length ? true : false, checkedAll: ck == n.length ? true : false }) } }, /** * 商品提货确认 */ sign: function(e) { var t = this; var orderno =, orderskuid =; wx.showModal({ title: "商品提货确认", content: "请确认买家已收到货,再进行提货确认哦!", confirmText: "确定", confirmColor: "#FF673F", success: function(e) { if (e.confirm) { wx.showLoading({ title: "加载中...", mask: true }); var data = { orderNo: orderno, orderSkuId: orderskuid } // 发送请求 //成功 t.getData(); wx.showToast({ title: "商品提货成功", icon: "none" }); } else { wx.hideLoading(); } } }); }, /** * 订单提货确认 */ signOrder: function(e) { var t = this; wx.showLoading({ title: "加载中...", mask: true }); var that = this; var orderid =; wx.showModal({ title: "订单提货确认", content: "请确认买家已收改订单的所有商品,再进行提货确认哦!", confirmText: "确定", confirmColor: "#FF673F", success: function(e) { if (e.confirm) { wx.hideLoading(); let data = { orderId: orderid } // 发送请求 // 成功 that.getData(); wx.showToast({ title: "订单提货成功", icon: "none" }); } else { wx.hideLoading(); } } }); }, /** * 批量订单提货确认 */ signAll: function() { var that = this; var n =; var sub_order_arr = []; let is_cashon_delivery = false; n.forEach(function(e) { if (e.checked) { sub_order_arr.push(e.order_id) } if(e.payment_code=="cashon_delivery") { is_cashon_delivery = true; } }) if (sub_order_arr.length <= 0) { wx.showToast({ title: '请选择签收商品', }) return false; } var token = wx.getStorageSync('token'); wx.showModal({ title: "订单提货确认", content: is_cashon_delivery?"所选商品含货到付款,请再次确认是否已收款":"请确认买家已收选中的商品,再进行提货确认哦!", confirmText: "确定", confirmColor: "#FF673F", success: function(t) { if (t.confirm) { wx.showLoading({ title: "加载中...", mask: true }); // 请求成功 app.util.request({ 'url': 'entry/wxapp/index', 'data': { controller: 'order.receive_order_list', order_data: sub_order_arr, token: token }, method: 'post', dataType: 'json', success: function(res) { wx.hideLoading(); if ( == 0) { that.setData({ order: [] }) that.getData(); console.log('iniinin'); wx.showToast({ title: "订单提货成功", icon: "none" }); } else { wx.showToast({ title: "订单提货失败", icon: "none" }); } } }) } } }); }, /** * 复制信息 */ copyGoodsMsg: function() { if (0 !== { var info = ""; { items.skuRspS.forEach(function(item) { item.checked && (info += ",【" + item.skuName + "】" + item.spec + "*" + item.skuNum); }); }), wx.setClipboardData({ data: info.substring(1), success: function() { wx.showToast({ title: "复制成功", icon: "none" }); }, fail: function(error) { wx.showToast({ title: "复制失败,请重试", icon: "none" }), console.log(error); } }); } else { wx.showToast({ title: "请选择商品", icon: "none" }); } } })